Monday, August 17, 2009

Family Reunion

It is nearing the end of August and time for one more hoopla at Wallowa Lake. We went to the lake for a long weekend where we would meet up with many (not all:( ) of the Biamont/Cooper clan. I believe there were over 50 of us all. It was wonderful to see my Grandma smile at the love of family all around her. She is what connects us all. It was amazing to look at pictures of the family over many years. Thank you Grandma for putting those photo albums together. They are now an archive for our family. I of course forgot my camera to the picnic, but I did manage to snap some photos of my cousins and their families at our spaghetti feast!

We all wore ranch hats around the fire and Matt told stories about the history of the ranch and his grandparents!

I am not sure if Papa ever wore this one, but Matt pulled off! :) It was a bit chilly, but I almost preferred it that way. It felt like fall already! It was a nice change from the heat.

Amanda, Micah, and Andy pulled off the crazy look. Amanda chose the Minnie Pearl hat. We just needed a price tag hanging from it! I love the flower Andy, it is your color :)

I am not sure if Matt's stories are 100% accurate, but as someone said, he sure can make up a good one!

We had some good sister time too! Thanks for hanging out, Sis! I have had such a great time this summer living so close to Amanda and Micah. I feel very blessed.

Atticus and Tennyson would make their Great Grandfather proud in these hats. Each one of them looks like him in their own way! Andy is pulling off the german look! As you can see Atticus is ecstatic about me taking more pics!

Cool as a cucumber! It's a Stetson commercial. If you could only smell him!

I think he is a regular little John Wayne!

My Grandpa would have been very proud of his family. His legacy will live on for many years! I appreciate so much my extended family for making this weekend important and traveling from many different places to meet. I hope that we continue to make a weekend like this a priority! As each generation passes on, it is so important for us to stay connected so that story of us doesn't get lost. Thank you everyone for sharing stories, pictures, and memories! It was such a great weekend.
Now it is time to get back into the school groove! Yikes, how time flies! I am very grateful for a job, but it does require a lot of the new teacher tasks and trainings! Calgon...take me away!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i am alittle late with my comment on this . i got to stay up at the cabin all summer as you know and for that i am so very grateful and already looking forward to next summer when i get to again. these to are very good pictures i love the ones of you and amanda and the kids. the plan is to keep the reunion going at least every three years so be ready for more fun. T bug is so cute and i loved the pictures of him in his hat. these boys are special boys and they make life so fun. love you all, mom
