Sunday, May 17, 2009

They call it sunshine!

It's back!  The sunshine made it back from the dark and wet place.  What a weekend here in Portland.  Today is the second 80+ day in a row, with a chance of 5 more 70+ days! Woo Hoo!
The skinny, pale brothers are enjoying a little vitamin D!

Both boys thought it was cold..."BRR"  

Tennyson enjoyed it a little longer!  

Today is one of those days I sit and think about all the things I am so grateful for.  My family first and foremost.  My children surprise me every day with their intelligence, humor and love.  I admire both boys so much for all the things they have taught me.  

My Atticus who is a wise old soul teaches me about patience and knowlege.  He takes time to stop and smell the roses.  I appreciate that about him so much.  He makes me a better mom because of his inquiry.  The other day riding in the car, he got so excited in the back seat and said "Mom, look I have nature on my arm", pointing to a tiny little moth perched on his wrist.  He is truly the only 7 year old I know who prefers to get up before the sun each day and watch the discovery channel.  He is my little scientist.

Atticus and I at his first grade "Mother's Day Tea"

Then there is my little Tennyson.  He is so full of energy and tenacity.  He wakes up in the morning bright blue-eyed and very bushy tailed.  He greets me with a "good moning momma" missing the "rr" sound.  I can't wait to look into his bright blue eyes and ask him how he slept.  He wakes up every day ready to take on what ever comes his way.  No matter how many times he falls down, he always gets back up and puts a smile on his face.  His knees may be completely black and blue, but it does not slow him down the slightest.  He makes me stronger!  I am so blessed to have two beautiful and completely different boys!  

Then there is my sister, Amanda.  I love her so much!  She is so amazingly smart, beautiful and strong.  I never imagined having such a wonderful relationship with her.   She teaches me to stay positive and roll with the punches.  I am so lucky to live only 1.6 miles from her.  It is literally running distance away!  

Today is a day when I think about all the gifts in my life.  My family (both here and in memory), friends, and the sunshine.  Thank you to all of you who have helped shape my life!  I am truly grateful!  Have a great week everyone!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lego fun

Building lego structures is now in our top 5 favorite things to do. Last Sunday the boys decided to sort and seperate all the thousands of legos we own. We have 3 huge boxes, so you can imagine the task was quite large.

There were boxes for the red ones, orange ones, blue, etc. There was even a specialty piece box for all the wheels, and fancy connector pieces.

Then they decided on what they would build. You probably guessed it knowing Atticus, but they built a crabbing boat equipped with a mobile crane, multiple crab pots and even holding tanks in the ship's hull. He really thought of everything. Good thing Matt enjoys legos. I would have lasted a total of 20 minutes.
Pretty Proud
T was in charge of the crane!
They call her the "Northwestern II"
Very proud Captain and Deck Boss (can you guess who is who?)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Education Disaster is My Misfortune

As you know, school districts all over the nation, particularly in Oregon, are facing a significant loss of state funding.  With the ongoing decline of state revenues, K-12 school districts are facing even greater reductions than predicted.  I knew that the situation was doom and gloom, but the eternal positivity I had, led me to think I would be spared.  I was very wrong.  Yesterday I received notice that I would be laid off after this school year.  This of course is devastating to me as I feel I have found my purpose and passion.  We also made the very personal decision to enroll Atticus in school in Canby as we could have only assumed I would spend many years teaching at Knight Elementary in Canby.  

Although these are going to be difficult days, and this layoff is extremely frightening and worrisome, I know that there is hope.  There is a slight chance I will be recalled.  If not I know that when the economy is back on it's feet, there will be a position for me somewhere.  So for now we will take each day as it comes.  I appreciate all the support and well wishes!  Knowing that I have friends and family like you, makes this horrible situation bearable!

I am looking forward to a summer with the family.  It will be great to be home with the boys.  If I don't have a teaching job by August, then I will substitute next year hoping that I will be able to supplement the income I will be missing.  I hope that perhaps we will get to see each and everyone of you this summer with all the festivities we have planned (wedding, reunion, vacation)!  See you then!

Love, Monique

These are some pretty fantastic first graders!