Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Going on a bear hunt"

Elephant Car Wash

Going on a camel ride?

For spring break this year we decided to go somewhere instead of doing the local thing. It has been a while since we have taken a little family trip so it was about time. We decided to go down to Roseburg Oregon where there is a little sanctuary called Wildlife Safari which turned out to be quite amazing. As we entered the main gate I kept thinking I hope this is worth it! It definitely was. We got to encounter many different animals that I have never seen in a natural (Oregon) habitat without bars and fences. The White rhino was right on the road and was so completely amazing. I had never seen one before! Wow. The giraffe was just roaming free and actually passed our car with in arms reach of Atticus! The tiger was amazing. I never have looked into the eyes of the awesome cat. Beautiful is all I can say!

We all had a great time and quickly remembered how great it is to be together doing something we all enjoy (especially the zoologist of the group)!


  1. I think my first attempt to post failed (not surprising), so I'll give it another go.

    How absolutely cool. I love the photos and the blog. Will really appreciate whem I am in Mexico!!

    Love and kisses to you all.

  2. I want to go there! This looks like the perfect family get-away. I am so glad you posted these pictures!!! Love you guys!
