Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cabin memories it really August 1st today.  Where does time go, truly?  We had such a wonderful time at Wallowa Lake this year.  Every year our trip is spectacular, but this year was different.  We stayed at the cabin at the head of the lake with my Grandmother and Mom.  When we got there early Friday evening the cabin was filled to the rafters like it used to be in my memories as a child.  Jessica and her little family were there ending their vacation as well as my Aunt Mary and 2 of her handsome grandsons.  Our count was 7 adults, 8 kids, and 6 dogs all in a one bedroom cabin...what memories :)

As a young girl, I remember going to the cabin with so much excitement to see cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents!  We had to all sleep head to head on the medium sized deck under the stars.  How we all fit, I will never know.  I quickly learned as an adult, my body is way less forgiving then it was when I was 8 :0)  Sleeping on a hard deck in a sleeping bag is definitely in my past.

Look at that face        

As I began telling my own boys some of my stories being their age at the cabin, I was truly transported back into my memory remembering some wonderful things.  I remember so clearly my Grandfather and how integral he was and still is in my life.  He loved the cabin so much.  He would wake nearly every day before dawn and go fishing, coming back with a stringer of fish just barely big enough to keep with a content smile on his face.  Even fishing, he still managed to come home and fix a full service breakfast including bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and always cut-up cantaloupe.  I can't smell of look at a cantaloupe with out instantly thinking of him.   After a hearty breakfast, the open forest, as it was still a forest and not filled in with new homes when I was little, was ours to explore.  Off we would go not to return until someone rang the lunch bell. 

We were explorers, cowboys and indians, animals, mothers and children all before our time.  How wonderful that a place so glorious can bring out the best of imagination.  I love that I can still go back as a 33 year old mother (for real this time) and instantly be swept back to the summers of my youth.  I was so very blessed to have such a wonderful family~especially grandparents like the ones I have.  It makes me smile endlessly to know that my children will have some of that in their memory banks.  I am truly blessed to have a little slice of heaven in my life.

Here are pictures of our trip and stay at the cabin.  I hope all of you have enjoyed your summer thus far.  It isn't over yet, so enjoy and we will see you soon!

Love, Monique, Atticus and Tennyson :)

Uncle Walt taking the boys on a ride

I couldn't help but take 50 pictures.  What a gorgeous evening!  Not to mention Atticus' first ever solo ride.
T telling Sue one of his tales :)        

And Walt!
Atticus caught the rooster...
then T caught the rooster 

Cookouts were one of the many highlights down by the river...look at that juicy burger :)
T had his first solo ride as well!  First 2-wheel ride!
Getting the fire going

Don't forget the smores
And sparkling lake time!  What a water-bug.
Fishing with Dad
Some slow Floating 
Look at those mountains

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So Summer Begins's almost July!  Where does time go.  It has been a while since we posted an update, so I apologize.  We are all adapting to our new situation very well.   Our new little abode in Wilsonville is quaint and adequate.  We love having daily access to a swimming pool, park fountains, library, some play with the camera, and use of our bicycles!  We run out of time everyday not accomplishing everything we set out to do.  

Boys at swimming pool

Today is actually the first in about 10 days where we only have late afternoon appointments so we (at least I am) are going to stretch out on the couch and relax!  It helps that our sunny weather turned into 62 degrees and overcast.  At least I won't have to fight the weather to keep the boys kind of subdued!

                                                          T and Ak on our Mother's Day Hike

We have spent a fun day with Hannah and Noah at the park!  Hannah is going to be 1 next month!  The boys adore spending time with them and it is fun to see them all growing together!  

        Noah and T

Hannah bananna

We hope to get more time at the beach this summer as well.  I have secretly discovered that loads and loads of sand make for a excellent babysitter!  We aren't into building elaborate sand castles yet but filling sand buckets and finding seashells are extremely fun. 

So for the rest of the summer we have family picnics, vacation to the cabin, maybe a camping/crabbing trip to the beach, wedding, spending time with the family,  and more fun in the sun!  
 My sister Amanda and I at the beach

I hope that where ever you are, you are enjoying your summer as much as we are.  See you all very soon.
  Love Monique, Atticus and Tennyson

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Where did March go?  We had some sunny days and some not so sunny days!  Happy Easter!

Inside Easter Egg Hunt!

Eggs :)

Sandbox fun

Day with T-bug and the Max!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

33 Things to Ponder as I Gain Another Grey Hair and Another Year

On my 33rd birthday, I thought I would enlighten you on the things that I have pondered recently as I light another candle on the cake!

  • I was born to teach.
  • I have learned a lot from 8 year olds, like cheese doesn't go well on Cheerios (maybe that was from the 4 year old-I don't remember).
  • Thank goodnes ballot measures 66 & 67 passed!
  • The best thing I have ever done was have my 2 sons!
  • Yeah...that rhymes ;)
  • They will be great human beings!
  • I wish I could do more for people of Haiti. Money just doesn't seem like enough anymore.
  • It is truly a gift to be born American, even though I don't always like to admit it.
  • Politics STINK

  • I am a hopeless gets me into trouble sometimes!
  • Why do I reread a book 2 or 3 times before I move on to the next?
  • Could I travel to the 18th Century and handle it?
  • I could if I was guaranteed to meet my own James Fraser!
  • God will not give me more than I can handle...I hope;)
  • There is always a reason. It may not be what I want, but it is what is.
  • Tent camping with my family, might just be my favorite summer vacation!

  • I can be technologically savvy.
  • I love long island iced teas
  • Should I run a half-marathon this year?
  • I will travel to Scotland before I turn 40 ("hint hint-Amanda")
  • Friendship truly is a gift.
  • So are sisters.

  • Hmm...what would I do differently if I were 20 again?
  • I drink an ice cold Coke at 3p.m. everyday.
  • Gravity really does bite!
  • They aren't wrinkles, they are laugh lines I tell ya!
  • I hate house work, especially laundry
  • Laughter really is the best cliche, but so true!
  • Am I smarter at 33?
  • I can't believe it is 2010. I always thought it was way too far away to think about.
  • Where does time really go?
  • What will the year bring?

  • Mostly, I think, WOW...I really am another year older! What an Amazning Woman!

Thank you for playing a part in my 33 years of life.